Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Cliche Quote

My three week break from dance was miserable. Ok, I’m counting show week in the break because we didn’t have a decent class the whole week. :P First off, right after the show I had a terrible cold the rest of the week. Then, on Monday, I got the stomach flu, suffered an ear infection, and topped it all off with bronchitis. Miserable. I was dreading this Monday class. It actually wasn’t too bad. My teacher went easy on us (THANK YOU!) and I relished every tendu, every fondu. Things I usually hate doing were suddenly fresh and exciting. Plus, the satisfaction you get from your teacher saying “Good job!” or “Yes, that’s it!” outdoes most praise, so it was nice to have that back in my life. After organizing the studio this morning a bit, I took the liberty of popping in some Phil Wickham music and improvising. Having the studio all to myself felt amazing, but for some reason, I felt especially blessed and happy. I know it’s cliché, but absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Happy Dancing!
