Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just a Puzzle

        Lately I’ve been thinking about WHY I like to dance. Deformed toenails, raw blisters, pinched nerves(in my case), and no life on Saturdays could never keep me away, nor will it ever. For a perfectionist like myself, I’ve also come to realize that ballet is not about being perfect, but about achieving excellence. I have that perfect picture in my head of what I’m striving for; sometimes I get so close, or fall completely flat. The other day, my teacher presented the analogy that ballet is like trying to get that little metal ball through the maze to the goal at the end:

         Sometimes it’s so frustrating, but we keep coming back and trying again! It’s addicting, right? I thought the analogy fit so well.  
I hope this summer that you all have been getting closer and closer to your “goal” whatever it may be. Honestly, my summer didn’t go how I planned or wanted, but it’s been good for me. I figured out what was wrong with my hip! Because of some obscure weak little muscle, the joint was partially dislocating and putting strain on my hamstring. So I’ve been strengthening and stretching and it feels so much better. 

Happy Dancing!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just An Update

How’s your summer been?! Mine’s been busy with school(unfortunately) and of course dancing. I’m only dancing two days a week, plus a work shop every other Wednesday. I’m hoping to drop in for technique and stretch class at a local studio that is conveniently 5 minutes away. I also taught a camp for kiddies last week! I had three little three year olds. For the performance on Thursday, two of the girls got terrible stage fright—but, they’re three, so I didn’t take it personally and question my job as a teacher. I’m also going to be teaching a camp for 4 and 5 year olds the second week of August. J What about summer goals? I’m doing Pilates to help my extension. I want a stronger core! I think it’s the missing piece of my extension puzzle. Some of my friends are going away to fancy summer intensives. With my hip injury and sprained ankle, I’m just lucky to be dancing at all this summer. I hope you achieve your summer goals, if you set some, and wish you renewed strength and vigor in the fall!
Happy Dancing!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Cliche Quote

My three week break from dance was miserable. Ok, I’m counting show week in the break because we didn’t have a decent class the whole week. :P First off, right after the show I had a terrible cold the rest of the week. Then, on Monday, I got the stomach flu, suffered an ear infection, and topped it all off with bronchitis. Miserable. I was dreading this Monday class. It actually wasn’t too bad. My teacher went easy on us (THANK YOU!) and I relished every tendu, every fondu. Things I usually hate doing were suddenly fresh and exciting. Plus, the satisfaction you get from your teacher saying “Good job!” or “Yes, that’s it!” outdoes most praise, so it was nice to have that back in my life. After organizing the studio this morning a bit, I took the liberty of popping in some Phil Wickham music and improvising. Having the studio all to myself felt amazing, but for some reason, I felt especially blessed and happy. I know it’s cliché, but absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Happy Dancing!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Performances

Spring performance season is almost here! My school is performing an Easter ballet on March 31st, with two performances. Considering our humble beginnings, I cannot believe how much the school has grown in the little time of its existence. The ballet is called “Messiah” and is about the ministry of Jesus on earth, His passion, His death, and His resurrection. The style is contemporary/jazzy, and I’ve been enjoying the total emersion in this fun style. I was cast in a super contemporary duet and trio, which surprises me because I’ve always pictured myself as a Swan-Lake-bun-head-snobbish ballerina. ;) Let me tell you, I’ve developed an immense appreciation for the style. I was surprised how much coordination the isolations, contractions, and cardio-demanding moves require. And floor work! Melting down to the floor smoothly is NOT as easy as it looks. On another note, my knee started acting up on Saturday, so I’ve been icing and resting it. What is your school doing for spring? I wish you the best of luck at all of your performances!

Happy Dancing!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Fun Little Post :)

Here is my growing collection of leotards! I had no idea when I started ballet that buying leotards would be so addicting. My favorite is the pinkish/purplish one. I LOVE halter leotards, but it's hard to fine one that doesn't have a plunging neckline. :( Anyway, I think my ¾ sleeve leo is very elegant, but it can get very hot. What is your favorite style of leotard?

Happy Dancing!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Brave Thing

Improvisational dancing is a brave thing to do. The feeling of executing steps on the fly is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awkward. It’s very interesting to watch a group of dancers perform improv; the way their body naturally moves is exhibited and their personality shines through. To be honest, I used to be a fearless dancer. I would prance and twirl around my house, literally as if no one was watching. After starting formal lessons, the perfection monster inside me began to take over. Thoughts like: “That’s not turned out!” and “My extension could have been higher!” clouded my mind constantly. I lost the ability to dance improv confidently. Technique was always in the back of my mind, haunting my every step.
However, this morning at class, my teacher gave us the amazing experience to improvisational dance for a while. It’s nerve racking to move freely and solely in front of a whole group of people. All my self-doubt came pouring in the moment the first dancer glided across the floor. I was petrified with fear. The raw uncertainty and vulnerability of it all seemed too much. I couldn’t do it. The next round, my teacher gave us specifications. I felt more comfortable having structure and luckily one of my friends danced by my side. By the third time across, I was confident. Maybe my moves were not always pretty, turned out, or whatever, but they came from within me. Looking back, I had nothing to worry about: I was surrounded by amazing friends and loving teachers. My support group.
The freedom I felt reminded me of why I started dancing in the first place, though. My perfection monster was silenced, perhaps captured by the beauty. In the end, I rediscovered the pure bliss and freedom that allured me to dance in the first place. I can only sum this all up in one cliché quote: “Dance like no one is watching.”

Happy Dancing!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Teaching Endeavors

Well, I did it! OK, I had some assistance from my wonderful dance teacher, but still. I had no idea what to expect in a pre-ballet pre-tap class for tiny munchkins. They were soooooo shy around me and I swear that this one little girl was giving me the evil eye the whole time. But, this little blonde girl with wild curls couldn’t stop smiling and even gave me a scarf to hold. Evidently, if you make what you want them to do a game, they will do it. First we were suns, then we morphed into mermaids with hot pink hair, and suddenly we became music boxes. Granted it’s still not a piece of cake to keep the attention of a 4 year-old, even with these tricks. I’m wondering how long it will take the kids to warm up to me. Right now I feel like a horrible routine-ruining giant. I gave all the kids a high-five after class, and that seemed to break the ice tremendously. Not to mention I have to kneel down to reach them, consequently putting me more at their level. I know this makes them feel better; who wouldn’t be slightly disturbed if they had to be constantly looking up to someone who was three times their height? I’m approaching this strategically as well….. One word: stickers. OK, three words: Sparkly snowflake stickers. Is there a better way to showcase my mission of fun, I ask you? Anyway, I’m very excited to see how God will use this opportunity to grow me as a dancer and a person.
Happy Dancing!

Friday, January 13, 2012

First Post!

Hey all! I hope you are having a fabulous day. Let me start off by saying that I am by no means a professional ballerina, nor do I plan to become one. Not even close. I started dancing about two and a half years ago with a wonderful school. I am a dedicated student who tries to get her extensions that ¼ of an inch higher than they were last class. I am the tall one who can’t jump to save her life(please don't even mention battu around me). I’m the girl who reads her copies of Pointe magazine from cover to cover. I am the one who will have balancing and pirouette contests with her friends during class. I admit it still takes me about two minutes to tie my pointe shoes, but I have a number of silly little cushions that must be placed in just the right spot or I’ll regret it. I plan to write about my joys, triumphs, and challenges with ballet. Whether they be small or big, I promise to share them here for your enjoyment, and, I hope, your inspiration. Since I have an insane love for ballet and a knack for talking, I have a feeling this combination will work out quite well.
Happy Dancing!