Hey all! I hope you are having a fabulous day. Let me start off by saying that I am by no means a professional ballerina, nor do I plan to become one. Not even close. I started dancing about two and a half years ago with a wonderful school. I am a dedicated student who tries to get her extensions that ¼ of an inch higher than they were last class. I am the tall one who can’t jump to save her life(please don't even mention battu around me). I’m the girl who reads her copies of Pointe magazine from cover to cover. I am the one who will have balancing and pirouette contests with her friends during class. I admit it still takes me about two minutes to tie my pointe shoes, but I have a number of silly little cushions that must be placed in just the right spot or I’ll regret it. I plan to write about my joys, triumphs, and challenges with ballet. Whether they be small or big, I promise to share them here for your enjoyment, and, I hope, your inspiration. Since I have an insane love for ballet and a knack for talking, I have a feeling this combination will work out quite well.
Happy Dancing!
I'll be following! ;D And you sound like me so much it's almost scary :p ;) ;D